
Easy. They stopped caring. For whatever reason the Kings were clearly far more interested in the show in early Season 4 than in late Season 6 when they started the dreaded Law Firm Musical Chairs. I am fairly certain at the beginning of this season, the Kings just said "Fuck It", told the writers to do whatever they

It's kind of hilarious how, now that Kalinda has left, Jason is the only investigator in all of Chicago.

lol Good to know I'm not the only one watching both shows :p

Not technically, Tuck is a kid from Bailey's previous marriage but it's heavily implied that Baileys ex more or less dropped out from his kid's life after they got divorced and Ben seems to consider Tuck "his" and since Tuck spent a lot of his formative years (5 through 11 right?) with Ben, I'm guessing the feeling's

Americans is criminally underrated. When I went to India, and my cousins kept raving about how good Game of Thrones and Breaking Bad (The only American shows they watch) were, I was like watch…"The Americans! It has the suspense of Game of Thrones and the prestige acting of Breaking Bad. And they were like, that show

Life long New Jersyian here and that got a good, losing laugh out of me.

That was beautiful. I freaking love Dong.

What the hell do you mean stepparent? Arizona has been 100% a mother to Sofia. After they divorced, they shared custody. Sofia herself does not even remember Mark and refers to Callie and Arizona as both her mothers. Arizona is as much a parent as Callie is. "Stepparents" is a term you use when the person comes in the

That ending is pure gold.

I was an extremely sheltered sixth grader. My Internet savvy friend told me to look it up and I remember being horrified by all the "fucks" and super paranoid that my parents would somehow find out I watched the video on our ancient family PC despite the fact that I deleted the search history (and I'm fairly certain

The Daily Show bit says it best.

Just browsed this…the part where Cruz made a Princeton classmate cry by telling him his mother was a whore who was going to Hell for getting an abortion because she couldn't afford a third child is horrifying.

I don't literally laugh out loud often but this time I literally lol'd for 5 minutes.

Oh yeah, I forgot Petra's father. As this is a TV show, all fathers will immediately come out of the wood work and cause drama.

I have an awful fear that this season will end with a 3 way custody battle between Jackson/April, Callie/Arizona and Ben/Bailey. They would just spend an entire episode with the custody battles going on in 3 adjacent courtrooms filled with random flashbacks to the hospital while the characters bump into each other in

For highly educated, world class surgeons, the people on this show are kind of stupid.

That made me so angry. I could understand that sentiment if the mom didn't have any other kids and the husband was fine but she knew her husband was in surgery and she had THREE other kids. Was she honestly okay with leaving her three other kids as orphans just to save the fourth that hadn't been born yet?

Well now they have a kid. Like that's what this entire fight is about. Callie just made a decision to move their child across the country without even consulting Arizona. These two things are not even remotely similar.

I'm usually the biggest Callie fan (she is legit the reason I started watching) but wow did I want to smack her upside down when she casually announced to Arizona that she was going to move Sofia across the country. Seriously does she think that she has more of a say over Sofia because she is the biological mother?

Oh yeah, I remember Bailey grumbling about "commuter marriages", that was funny.