
ikr? How old was she, 12? 12 year olds are fucking idiots and not qualified to make these types of decisions. I literally did not know where babies come from at that age. What was that grandma thinking?

It was SO CHEESY. Good Lord, when I was in 9th grade, I took a film class and our final assignment was to create a PSA and the trailer for next week's episode was somehow even more cheesy than that.

So I FINALLY saw it out of sheer boredom on a Friday night and wow…it was even worse than After Earth. And I fucking hated After Earth.

I don't think I was ever more wracked with nerves then I was during the Season 1 finale, convinced that Michael would somehow end up dying. I am much more confident this season- Michael dying 5 months after Jane broke up with him is tragic but recoverable, Michael dying tragically during their honeymoon right after

The fact that the writers have even said that they are going to put a cheeky cross over the word in the title sequence for "Jane the Virgin" to me is proof that Jane will have sex before the season ends. No way the writers put that much thought into something if it hasn't already been done/decided. And thank God,

Ian Somerhalder really is unfairly hot.

There is no way the show could survive the loss of Elena AND Damon. The core relationships of the show were always the ones between the brothers and the love triangles. If they lose both, I can't imagine how the show could possibly sustain itself.

Right, but the show runners have said Jane has sex so Michael is (at the very least) safe until he gets married to Jane :)

Yes, I am excited :) I am kind of confused by plot reasons though. Did Madga really just give up one her twin daughters just like that? I honestly can't figure out if that's colder than framing your daughter for a murder for a crime you committed or not…

Like I said before, the show runner admitting Jane will have sex has cemented my belief that the show won't do it. The show can't have Jane wait her entire life to have sex and then have the guy she has sex with DIE right after. That is insanely dark and the show would never recover.
(The last breath line continues to

No Myles, I refuse to believe your death theory not only because I freaking love Michael and will be #TeamMichael for life and such a dark turn would be completely out of touch for the show's tone. No I am iron clad in my belief because the show runner has admitted that Jane is going to have sex by the time this

I don't really like the flower being on the wall (tbh I almost tuned out after the first 40 seconds because of how much the virginity being a "precious" thing repulses me so I get you).

That would be REALLY dark

Well to be fair, Jane is pretty sex positive and would probably object to the flower analogy if Alba tried to use it now. Both her best friend and mother have lots of premarital sex and she has never judged them for it. The show has been pretty good with portraying Jane as a feminist character who firmly believes in a

Just watched the first episode on YouTube and it was pretty decent. Really not a big fan of gross out humor at all (I had to look away at the urine scene) but the chemistry between the actors (particularly the kids, they reminded me of the way my brother and I would endlessly bicker during road trips) and the

I wonder if it's strange to create a TV show with your husband that will star the aftermentioned husband with another woman playing his wife. Like it has to be weird writing a scene with your husband kissing another woman right? On a side note, Samantha Bee is awesome and I am absolutely loving her new show and I

I accumulated an entire drawer full of free T-shirts in my first year of college. Half of them were bearing my school's logo, the other half: random companies. I used to be really strict in high school about not wanting to be walking advertisements for companies but now I am cheap and will take anything that is a good

Agreed but those money management classes should have some sort of state mandated curriculum and competent teachers. My high school offered a Money Management course as an elective and my parents made me take it and it was seen as the biggest joke.

Yep. Especially when you realize that THEORETICALLY Sara, Snart, Ray and the others should return to the exact point in time when they left (so mid season 4/2 for Arrow and Flash respectively) after they finish their Vandal Savage mission in order to minimize the changes on the time line (so it would be like they

Mary Steenburgen is seriously underrated on this show.