
From memory,
a ton of Windom Earle's standard blabbering (including a musical number), the Lodge was the Great Northern but black and white, and I think Cooper talked to a child version of himself at some point. These are just some examples. I think the only line in the Lodge that Lynch actually used was, "I saw the

I've said it before, but I've always thought if you ever needed proof that Lynch is a genius, read the AWFUL script for the finale and then see what he did instead.

Agreed whole-heartedly. A lot of people equate those details like that as "slow" or "weird" but to me those moments he uses are excellent examples of world-building. For example, the kid who was watching the box in Part 1. A different director may have just shown him sitting on the couch and then got on with the whole

I've said this before but I HATE the theory that Audrey would have any clue if that was the real Cooper or not. Annie knew Coop on a more personal level and even then, she honestly didn't know him that well.

I Am Dougie's Coffee

I don't think they had much of a relationship anyway. If I think about it, they didn't really know each other at all. Sure Audrey was infatuated with him, but I wouldn't say she knew him enough to identify that it's not really the good Cooper in prison.

His detached "Look I'm Cooper, Gordon" thumbs up as the cage came down sent an actual chill down my spine.

The "Twin Peaks diehard but hasn't seen any of Lynch's other work" is the oddest (in a state of mind sense, not the creepy sense) section of fans I've come across.

I can't accurately describe how much I loved these first two "parts".
The only thing I can really say at the moment is that Lynch is truly a genius and turning the MFAP into a tree confirms that.

Yeah, the script for the Black Lodge sequence is, dare I say, awful. So much Earle bullshit that he even gets a dance number. I adore David Lynch and the salvaging of the Black Lodge sequence is one of my favorite things he's ever done.

I also thought Barton Fink but with Thaddeus writing in the hotel room.


That's exactly what I hate about him. He's supposedly perfect but that's it. His entire character is "he's perfect". I hate the Billy Zane/Audrey stuff more than I hate the James/Evelyn arc.

Twin Peaks!

I think the Mike, Kevin, and Bill team had the biggest highs as far as riffing goes, but the Joel era bits/sketches are leagues better than anything Mike's squad did save for maybe "Where Oh Werewolf".

Interesting. Are you talking about in the Pink Room? I'd be interested to know any actual theories behind that.

Far out. I learned something new today.

The waiter doing the whooping sound before exchanging "Hallelujah!"s with LMFAP is actually one of the creepiest parts of the finale for me.

Not to mention that those are Douglas Firs not pine trees. The ERRORS all over this page are inexcusable.

"Damn, he's got a 10-speed."