
Yep. It started as a passive thing to mess with his poll and the further I got down, the more I started using the "other" option to basically say:

We'll see who gets more honey.

Yeah… like the guy in the 3,500 dollar suit is going to give us any worthwhile information on season 5… come on!

He's actually in Brian's band now, thank God.

I feel this. I saw them play two nights at the Ryman a few years ago where they played 30 different songs both nights and at the end of it I felt like,

Do you think that would be true if Brian didn't burn out?

Much like Tony Curtis.

"I'm a big believer in the double backup" is a very Seinfeld/Curb thing to say.

No, but his chest popping definitely scarred me for life.

I actually asked Paul F. Tompkins this question at a meet and greet during the Comedy Bang! Bang! tour a few days ago and he told us it should be out sometime this summer.


I came here just to say this. I thought he was super awesome in Hail, Caesar! so this choice is actually a-okay with me (and my opinion is, after all, what Disney really cares about)!


Which TPAB is for the most part.

I am wearing blue and yellow today because I think Leap Day is actually just a great way to celebrate the greatness of 30 Rock.

That's not what your mon said last night.

I found the flashback at the beginning very Soprano-esque.

One of my favorite MST3K lines is, "Wow! It barely works!" after the main character shoots his bow and arrow from Jack Frost. I don't know why. It gets me every time.

The "Halloween" theme in the video sound like a song The Fray would release in the early 2000s.

This is what's funny. My dad listens to him when we're in the car together and does nothing but complain about how much he "can't stand Cowherd".