Santos L. Halper

Don't ask me, I'm just a girl dog. (Girlish giggle)

If Leo actually wins an Oscar, I'll eat my hat… not literally though (I really love that hat).

Now we'll never get the biopic…

I can't wait for the planned sequel, El BJ 2: Argh my groin!, guest starring George C. Scott.

I believe the original title was Joe Dirt 2: I Need the Paycheck.

It's impressive that Pazuzu was able to master that obscure dead language.

When will it premiere!?
Um… I'm asking for a friend.

"Old man sings to cloud."

I see you've never played knifey spooney before.

"GET TO DA WAGON!" just doesn't have the same appeal.

Break its legs!

Donald Trump clothing and cologne? Why would anyone want to look, or smell like him?

Smithers, have Mariah Carey killed.

♫ Some folk'll never eat a skunk! But then again some folk'll, like Ted Cruz the slack jawed yokel. ♫

Let off some steam, Robot.

"Mr Beast will see you now."

Why did they make that one Muppet out of leather?

I'll recreate my own Grand Theft Auto video with hookers and blackjack. In fact, forget the video!

I want to believe (that it won't suck).

(Original script excerpt)
Darth Sutherland: Keifer, I am your father, eh.
Keifer Snowwalker: NO!!
Darth Sutherland: search aboot your heart, son. You know it to be true.