The Gamera Eye

It's especially insane because, as I mentioned in the comments for that story, the expression comes from having to prime a manual water pump by pouring in water in order to start the flow. When would he ever have done anything like that in his entire life?

Or Bob Morton. I had to kill him because he made a mistake.

The only part of any episode of that show I can remember is Tootie seeing a bong and asking how to make it go "bong." Must have been A Very Special Episode.

I posted this same theory yesterday, but I am increasingly convinced we have slipped into a parallel universe where the rules for behavior we previously knew no longer apply. Nothing has felt real to me for the past few months, and I know others feel the same way.

How about the inbred family with the mother under the bed in The X-Files? I cannot watch that episode again.

Did you grow up to be a caterpillar?

I used to play Quake II until I felt sick. I think it was because CRT monitors had more flicker due to the refresh rate or something. I haven't ever tried playing any of those games on a new monitor, though. But I was so invested in playing that I wouldn't quit despite feeling dizzy.

NO! Now I have to stop thinking of that. I also remember a time when the guy from Mountain Goats (I think) was always staring out at me, though I didn't find that nearly as disturbing.

Adding to the revulsion of the scene from Tommy, Roger Daltrey said it was filmed over a few days, and near the end all the food had started to spoil. But Ann-Margaret was enough of a pro to go through with it.

"Please go back to your drinking."

It's a fictional television show from an episode of 30 Rock.

Thomas Gibson will really kick it up a notch.

I also like the way Anital Feewq thinks.

And because he molests collies.

"The egg hatched . . . and a hundred baby spiders came out . . . and they ate her."

Packers won the Super Bowl!

Spiders could never climb over a wall.

They're really sticking it to him! He must work here or something.

Millions of them. For free.

Phew. That's a relief. Otherwise I'd be terrified.