The Gamera Eye

Helping to surround the bunker, I hope.

We'll have to remove it. All the bits of it.

Number 5 will shock you!

Benevolent Leader Trump is great and powerful. I am fine.

You should order the print catalog version.

They're interfering with hockey now? That's going too far!

That works, too.

It was like the T-ball of comments. Thanks.

Don't talk about David Spade that way!

Chris Hansen just went on alert.

It's all clicks and whistles.

Not to be confused with the one with two Ks.

Dan Quayle, is that you?

As seen in Three Amigos. Ask for it by name!

Smarter than the average bear?

Does it impair your ability to pee on a Ford or Chevy logo?

There are black bears around here, but they mostly shy away from people. I was walking down the road a few years ago and saw one in the woods about 20 yards away, and it was pretty much like we just looked at each other and kept going about our own business. It was a bear in the woods, so it was probably there to shit.

Someone suggested the account name of Low T. Nelson last week, who I then described as a guy who was on food stamps and welfare and had low T, but no one helped him out.

Eats, shoots & leaves.

I'm practicing my ability to wield a truncheon.