The Gamera Eye

It's a series of tubes.

Mission statement.

On the one hand, you have a valid point. On the other hand, they are bunch of idiots. Who's to say which side is right?

There was an episode of Bonanza on recently where Adam was supposed to be helping the new school teacher by practically lecturing her on how to do her job. Of course she just sat there and absorbed his wisdom. It was really uncomfortable to watch him talking to her like she was ignorant and I turned it off.

"I can't believe it's not butter!"

Especially if she then goes on to slap Chris Tucker continuously for the rest of the movie.


Nothing but Trouble. That was my "worst movie you saw in a theater" a few weeks ago, and now I keep seeing it mentioned.

The hard part was inventing the coat hanger.

There are other reasons why you shouldn't do that. At least not in public.

It's like that situation in math where they keep getting closer and closer to zero intelligence without ever reaching zero. There's always one slightly dumber on to infinity. I call it an assymptote.

How much more dumb could it be? None. None more dumb.

Will Smith.

It's the same team that operated Jabba the Hutt. Fun fact!

Every ad I've seen on TV looks like they thought they couldn't "LOTR" it nearly enough.

Yeah, I grew up in a small town/rural area and my friends and I probably did a lot of questionable things as teenagers with guns and no supervision. Somehow we didn't get injured.

That's still in the back my mind a lot of times when I listen to his songs. I don't know if his excuse about "research" was true or not. He seems to have dealt with a lot of mental health issues through his life and that shows up in his songs at times. I want to hope he was able to get whatever help he needed whether

Oh no! Not again!

One of the characters on Archer?

And everything I know about South Africa I learned from watching Lethal Weapon 2. I'm not sure where I'm going with this.