Ryan Bond

I've never had a strong feeling about an AV club writer, but now I feel like I have to warn Sam. Sam, if I ever see you in real life I WILL sucker punch you right in the jaw,

Thong th-th-th-thong

makes sense. I was probably around 6 or 7 when All that Started and I loved it.

Angry beavers was solid show.

I see that. I mean, for my money I prefer VB but you get the idea I'm saying, right?

It's maybe similar, but I think the Seinfeld is unfunny is people going back and watching a show and then talking about how "unfunny" it is. Which is dumb, because it's still a funny show and that's normally just people being contrarian. I mean, seinfeld never really ran next to shows created by people who grew up

I can only do one episode at a time. IT is manic, and also very very meta. It feels more like a comedy show for comedians tbh.

I had a very similar reaction. It felt like some weird Family guy show, but I went through the first 5 or so episodes and it just started gaining momentum. I think you'll appreciate the show more if you watch the start. Maybe put it on in th ebackground whie, you play a game or something to get through the first few

I just rewatched Venture Bros. It's still very strong but it's running into (in my mind what I call) ASoIaF syndrome. In that, when it came out it was groundbreaking, different, influential etc but it's been so long that other Shows/books are taking ques from it and are starting to do what it did, but better. It's


that's what it felt like to me too. Still pretty funny though.

I was just thinking today about how well the DCAU nailed all the voices. Like, I think Kevin Conroy will always be the voice of batman. Or how perfectly Dana got the voice of Lois. It really shaped the characters for me.

I'm not even going to think about the Patakis, because all of my hopes crash terribly.

When they showed the "the man in the blue suit" teaser I literally thought it was Rusty. Because they look identical in the suit.

I just assumed the went on to lead lives in reality. Albeit very hard ones, what with no birth certificate or social security number. Maybe they'll track down the creator of their show and have some sort of last action hero discussion with them.

I'm with you.

I have to agree. That's what I appreciated the most. I enjoy it when things wrap up. Too many shows go right down to the wire on action, and then spend 30 seconds on ending the series. Give me some sort of conclusion here.

I was 12 years old when the Venture bros first Premiered. I've been watching this show for the majority of my life.

I was actually a pretty big TAANG shipper back when it was airing. I also liked Auzulaang.

Ships. Boy oh boy.