Ryan Bond

It's just not for us.

My brother! I hope we never meet, and I know we never will because that would require me to leave my apartment for something other than work.

Here's two articles. I can list more sources if this some how doesn't meet your strict criteria of made up bullshit.

I can already tell you're kind of an idiot. No where near 50% of a ticket sale goes to the theater. It's closer to 20%. That puts everything else out of your mouth as suspect if you can't even get that right.

Well, he's not shown. I think the joke was that he was nude.

Then why do people care about cosby now? How is it any different? Shouldn't all of Cosby's work be held apart from his actions?

I have to second Hey Arnold as well. It's nothing like Ren and Stimpy and holds up well, even today.

I remember hating Pewdiepie, Thinking about how stupid his videos were. But then I realized that, hey, I"m not really the target of his videos. It's all for pre or early teens. It's liking hating on whatever teen hearttrobe is currently the it thing. It's stupid and a waste of time.

Wait, so midnighter is a part of the Main DC universe now or no? I think I missed something.

Jesse has those stinky ole witch eyes. A lot of his episodes have legit occult influences.