Gay Jarrick

That's pretty obviously not what I meant lmao. I meant that most shows wouldn't try something like this because people like you would whine about it. If you don't like it, that's fine, but it doesn't make it bad television. Read the rest of my comment if you'd like to understand why, or you can just keep making

Please don't associate me with either dumb-ass party… what I said made no reference to the Democratic Party. Your response basically proved my point though.

You seem like the type of person who associates the word "progressive" with negative connotation because of political association

I'd say dropping the Kara/James thing was a boon for everyone. They switched networks, made some changes. It seems weird, but that's how it works sometimes. At least they didn't drag it out.

I don't think it was homophobic at all. Sure, we all want to see her be instantly warm and accepting, especially given her character. But she was obviously shocked… and we've all said/done stupid things in the heat of the moment facing a huge surprise. She's only human (well, not really, but you know what I mean).

I don't really see it as too bad of a retcon with James… I mean, this is obviously a different version from the comics. And can we at least give him more than one minute of screen time before we start judging the arc as a failure?

Geez, what would you have done? Besides, this is a comic world. He'll be back eventually.

I strongly disagree. It's pretty obvious that guy was going crazy, regardless of how you feel about climate change, so it's hardly as if the show is taking a stance there. On the whole, although the political stuff's been a bit awkward, it's really helped it stand out from most shows, which wouldn't touch this stuff

I didn't get that feeling about overcrowding. Sure, it addressed several important issues (via metaphor), but the large focus was on immigration/cultural bias, and I felt it explored this pretty well, all told. The Islamophobia stuff goes right with it, IMO, so it's hardly a stretch to cover both… it's almost

I thought that the whole hallucinogenic dream sequence was actually really well written, if not especially original. Best of all, it seems to show that Jim's finally escaping his self-pity BS which has dragged on for so long and made the show hard to watch.

As I feared, Mirror Master was pretty disappointing. But maybe that's just because it was all so new for him, and I really, really hope that they use him again in the future, once he's mastered his powers. Same for Top.

Thanks for the explanation, although now that I understand it, I can't say it makes any more sense lol.

Not sure where you're from, but C**t is pretty strong language in mainstream America, for some reason.

They obviously chose to focus on the one specific power for top (inducing vertigo), rather than her/his whole array (perhaps saving it for later?). As disappointing as this may seem, it's understandable, with time constraints and the fact that she's a secondary villain.

Woah there. People are allowed to have opinions which are different than yours… I personally enjoyed Season 1 a lot, or at least most of it. Maybe it's just being introduced to the characters in this brilliant (albeit somewhat flawed in application) new concept of a show.

"Social depravity." wow.

That makes more sense. But still doesn't exactly answer the question 😂

Am I the only one nervous for next week? Like, what if they screw up Mirror Master??
Extremely excited too, ofc.

Barry basically asks her that, and she goes, "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND! I hate my mom too!"

Exactly. If the requirement for characters in the show was just their practical role in fighting bad guys, it would be totally different… and pretty boring, IMO. Most of these characters have been around since the beginning, and are pretty popular. After all, if there was some kind of public backlash from fans against