
Absolutely- that's just a bunch of nonsense you've concocted to justify your inability to relate to men in a constructive manner.

Please do- as it stands I'm too polite and patient to really take her down a peg.

I'm 100% tolerant of your opinion. I just don't approve of it- if you learned the difference you might lead a happier, less contentious life.

Oh I'd never deep dick a feminist. I just figured you could use someone to talk to.

To the same degree you think having a difference opinion makes it acceptable to rip into someone with belligerent insults.

Also, using expressions like "jerkwipe" was another thing that made me think you were a child.

Well I would, but I figure this is the most attention you've gotten from a man in a long time, so I was trying to do a good deed.

I didn't make it a point to look- it was just right there by every post you put up. You are truly paranoid and it has nothing at all to do with your gender and everything to do with your ideology. Honestly, the only reason I'm keeping this going is out of morbid fascination.

A. Oh, well thanks for clearing that up.

Oh for heaven's sake- its an obvious nod to kung fu action movies. I feel like the guy in the movie PCU who says "Can't we just say, this one time, 'We're not gonna protest?'"

No, I thought you were a young woman because your profile picture has a young woman in it and I assumed that was you. But way to go seeing the enemy everywhere.

I stand corrected on the thespian observation then. Nevertheless, there are much, much fewer Hollywood directing jobs than there are students in film school.

I'm not an MRA and women aren't paid less than men for their work- the pay disparity is the result of women making different career choices because they intend to take time off to raise a family (for example, historically teaching grade school was a job done by women because it gave them summers off with their kids.)

I have spent this entire discussion arguing AGAINST gender essentialism and you have ignored that at every turn.

Oh. Well alrighty then.

Ummm… thanks I guess.

Again, no I didn't say that the people filling those positions were unworthy of consideration for "real" jobs if they had vaginas. Not once, not ever. I said that the gender of those people is unimportant, which is the polar opposite of sexism.

Shruggalo- I love it!

Well congratulations- you've proven women can troll too.

Ummm… not really. I'm the one offering actual arguments and you're the one bating me with emotional invective. In other words, you're trolling, sir, not me, and the fact that you feel as though you are on the side of what is morally right will not alter that fact.