
Funny, but since that album was mixed properly otherwise, the snare doesn't sound so bad.

Finally- another project whose quality is that of Anita Sarkeesian's.

Wow- and just when I thought beating Zelda 1 without the sword was a stupid thing to be proud of…

No "John From Cincinnati?" Bastards!!!!

Your six-year-old example makes no sense whatsoever and I have no idea what it means nor do I care.

What is it with you and calling him "Zim?" Anyway, we actually don't know what Trayvon did at that point because the only person who has been able to give any account of that period was Zimmerman, the very person trying to prove his own innocence and who, as we have seen, has at best a tangential relationship with

Yeah, there's a reason schools tend to handle things like that internally: they usually aren't as bad as they sound. When I was in school you could get suspended for being in a gang if you had a band-aid on your face or a pants leg rolled up. Most of that is malarkey.

Trayvon wasn't doing anything suspicious- he was walking along to a house he had the right to be at. That said, no- you don't have the right to "check up" on people. You don't seem to have any concept of minding your own business.

You're the one using a screen name and faceless ID pic and I'm the "random internet guy?"

Fla. Stat. § 784.048. Stalking; definitions; penalties. (2012)

Just because you're agreeing with ZImmerman doesn't mean your point of view is more valid. If I'm inherently wrong because I wasn't there then so are you.

Keep reading the link, genius: Length or number of events doesn't matter- when one's actions produce emotional distress, its stalking. But that's only one facet of this- George Zimmerman was acting as a vigilante, the fact you seem to keep ignoring. And he wasn't "off duty" nor was he ever "or duty." Its an

Ummm…. that line of reasoning would invalidate your point of view as well, but thanks for playing.

The neighborhood witness only heard what was going on after the fight was under way- they did not see what was leading up to it. They have one half of the story at best. That's why I discount what they're saying. No, its not a conspiracy theory, but nice try at dismantling me using shaming language- it really

Yes- it was absolutely right for Trayvon to do that and the fact that Zimmerman was revealed to have a gun shows that Trayvon's assessment of the situation was accurate. No, neighborhood watch captains do not deserve to get beaten up by homophobic teens (not sure where that was coming from) but Zimmerman (and only

"Tray" was absolutely right to give him that beating- if some creep with a gun was following me at night I'd beat his ass too. Trayvon Martin was the one standing his ground, not Zimmerman.

C'mon DMX- give him the beating he deserves! Lose your mind up in there!

Oh- duh! Silly me…

Well, it doesn't take any great insight to see that you've got some profound personal issues with men. Surely you've noticed that most people don't react to the opposite sex the way you do?

Reading that made me feel kind of sorry for you.