
Actually no- I'm a graduate of a music school. The overwhelming majority of female students were studying voice, with a smaller minority studying instruments. So, just having gone to a music school does not give them the skills necessary to fill a specific position. A voice principle is qualified to sing voice,

I have not said "women mostly don't want to produce." What I did do was agree with someone else that its possible (only possible, not an iron clad statement of irrefutable reality) that fewer women- for whatever reason, not because of their womenhood as such- may not be interested in film production. Its a valid

I'm not- I gave you a thorough, insightful and articulate response. If you don't respect that enough to actually counter what I have to say with an actual counter-argument then you are the sexist and, more so, you are the bully. You are the aggressor here, not me.

How is that racist? Or are you just pushing every politically correct button you can think of?

False equivalency- we're talking about respect for ability, not kinship.

I found it gripping and enlightening, but to each his own.

I have in no way suggested that making films is "man-stuff" or that you are incapable of rationality. If I thought you were fundamentally irrational, we wouldn't be having this discussion.

I have not said any such thing, nor am I "screaming bloody murder." You're the one, however, who is becoming increasingly unhinged.

So in the support of an article about a lack of diversity, you're trying to shoo away someone with a dissenting voice? If this level of irony could be harnessed for power we could get off of fossil fuels…

Also, lets not forget that I never said what "peon" positions I was referring to.

I believe that I deserve to be represented accurately, yes. Do you honestly think that I presume to have some sort of deciding role in the number of existing men and women? That's more than a little delusional.

…and if you read that speech it would do you a world of good.

That's cool to hear- I'll look for you next time I watch it. :)

You are assuming that this is a "boys club discrimination" full-stop with no other considerations at work. Ayn Rand was a successful Hollywood screenwriter many decades before the "investigation" in the 1960's. Why? Because she was a high-quality writer and studios recognized that, not because there was some great

Yes, it's far more likely that women just aren't interested. I'd need to see a source on the film school enrollment argument, but it's still a non-sequitur: just because women are enrolling in film school doesn't mean they're specifically studying the fields in question.

Who is John Galt?

This is probably the most insightful comment in the entire thread and, predictably, it gets down voted into oblivion. No- it can't be that fewer women are interested in this career field- it has to be the evil patriarchy determined to keep all but a few women out of filmmaking for some reason!

I was referring to how many of them are present in the film industry, but way to misunderstand what I was trying to say.

Correction: without the creative people who actually create the ideas none of the peons have jobs.

Yes, I have and yes, they are.