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    It's amazing how much Marvel has thrown at Wanda over the decades. Vision, similarly, has gotten some of the worst treatments ever. The second Vision & Scarlet Witch miniseries that lead into West Coast Avengers, this was the best Avengers team, was some of the best 80s stuff. Then they destroyed Vision's emotions

    Carol Danvers once got raped by a man trapped in a different dimension. When the Avengers found out, they were just "Congratulations on the rape and pregnancy!" She later gave birth to her own rapist and left with him, happy and in love.

    Will I still be able to get the 3D holographic bluray?

    A long time ago, the big dramatic story arc for Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver was "Who are their parents?"

    He could always borrow an idea from Giant Man if the bus was overcrowded.

    I forgot to link this earlier. But, this is the best Avengers moment.

    I've been slowly powering through Dragon Quest VI DS. I spent all of Sunday trying to make it rich in the Casino. I succeeded.

    Overheard on my grandmother's TV just now:

    I still love that he paid somebody to go in his place at the premiere.

    70s Marvel is so weird. There's a great run of martial arts comics. It starts off with Iron Fist and Shang Chi, then it goes off the rails in the best way possible. They add a guy name Jack of Hearts (he's awesome). Everybody is doing martial arts stuff and this guy is living energy that explodes if he doesn't go

    That might be a bad idea.

    I recently found out they had gone back and restored Quantum Leap. It's not Twin Peaks level restoration, very few shows are, but it looks very good. I also found out it's very lucky, since quite a few shows of that era are gone for good after that Universal fire ten years ago.

    That'll teach those women! If they find me repulsive, it's not because I actually took a shower this week! Checkmate atheists.

    How to draw Daredevil

    My grandmother only watches Matlock and Murder She Wrote. So you would be half right.

    What's good for my grandmother?

    Later on, there was a hashtag called Make Mine Milkshake that people were using. Marvel jumped in with this.

    At least it gave the world the greatest accidental self insult.

    A bunch of dumb comic book nerds on Twitter got mad at a Marvel editor drinking a milkshake.

    What if you don't believe in cars?