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    That's a really embarrassing mistake to make. It's like he didn't even try.

    What are the symptoms?

    What's a gfy?


    Anything with Hook Rug Dance playing is my favorite Twin Peaks moments.

    Dragon Quest is such a good series. I have six, eight and nine left before I've gotten through everything released in the west. But, there's one big problem.

    On the plus side, they wouldn't be able to get anything done.

    Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

    Here's another fun one.

    She front stabbed him.

    John Harwood‏ @JohnJHarwood
    Ryan-Priebus ally to me: next phase of Trump presidency will be warfare against GOP Congress

    I can't believe we're getting Nomad.

    I want to see de-aged Fishburne too.

    I missed the hype train yesterday, so I just need to say one thing.

    The Associated Press‏ @AP
    BREAKING: Palm Beach police report: Fox News founder Roger Ailes fell, hit his head and was seriously bleeding 8 days before death.

    Mike Pence's PAC is even overshadowing it. And dude looks like a create a character in a mid 2000s video game.

    Have they seen Ailes though? The fat fuck couldn't kick anybody's ass when he was alive.

    So, Mueller picked two people to work with him in his investigation. Aaron Zebley, who worked with him at the FBI, and James Quarles, who was an assistant special prosecutor on the Watergate Special Prosecution Force.

    It's funny you should mention that. Yertle the turtle was created as a World War 2 allegory for Hitler.