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    That's the wonderful thing of this new world. Give everything a week and people flee the administration.

    There's a secret floor on Trump Towers for all these people. Paul Manafort will help them get comfortable.

    They're really focused on reenacting George Bush's second term in half the time. We just need Bannon to have a man sized safe in his office.

    Jeff Sessions Used Political Funds for Republican Convention Expenses

    It's actually amazing. Right now, this is the list of people in Donald Trump's circle who have talked to the Russians.

    This'll pair nicely with pizza eaten with a fork.

    Good thing we elected incompetent fascists. We'd all be dead if they knew how government works.

    What's the theme gift for a 241st birthday?

    New York Times
    WASHINGTON — Michael T. Flynn, then Donald J. Trump’s incoming national security adviser, had a previously undisclosed meeting with the Russian ambassador in December to “establish a line of communication” between the new administration and the Russian government, the White House said on Thursday.

    Man, Pokemon got hardcore. That's like Fist of the North Star shit now.

    In college, a newspaper called him Sean Sphincter.

    By the way, here's a fun story. Sessions responds to Bill Clinton's perjury.

    White House staff told to save Russia-related materials

    And then he got that mean old Hillary out of the picture, so now he's one of the good guys.

    It's pretty progressive to see a good old boy in bed with the Russians though.

    Lock him up.

    And having sex with Rupert Murdoch's ex wife.

    They could get Miller instead. Just mock him for his weird baldness and he'd probably cry in a corner about how he's a good Nazi.

    Has to be a Pierce Brosnan era one, right? None of these actors are convincing me they are right for these roles.