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    Will CPAC kick somebody else out before the week ends? You can't stop at two "alt-right" nazi shitheads. Come on, three is a good number.

    Everything about Bobby Jindal was the opposite of a twist. That's like the only thing really.

    Maybe he'll be like the other Teflon Don and die in prison.

    CNN distracts with a fake gun and Fox News uses the real gun.

    Seth Abramson @SethAbramson
    BREAKING: Per FNC we know Trump either ordered the illegal Flynn call & tried to cover it up or just tried to cover it up. One or the other.

    Jason Kander @JasonKander

    So the FBI apparently just dumped a bunch of shit about Donald Trump's management company.

    This part of the history book is going to be wild.

    Breitbart took like five hours to mention Flynn, then ran with the article "Liberals are lying about this Flynn didn't resign!!!!"

    I swear he gets fatter every time they throw him into a video.

    They'll trot Mike Huckabee out there to go "Haven't we all peed in a bed? All good Americans do it. Hell, I did it until I was twenty."

    Remember at the convention back in July when Flynn said "If I did 1/10th of the things Hillary did, I'd be in prison."

    When Hillary has a private email server, she should go to jail.

    I'm not the puppet, you're the puppet.

    They have all killed people.

    If you listen very carefully, you can hear George Carlin yelling "I told you people were stupid!"

    It's really hard to be consistently evil. Are you Mike Pence evil, Steve Bannon evil, Paul Ryan evil? There's a lot of moving parts here.

    He's just mad that people don't like when he ramble yells about them.

    It was the working title of Breitbart for years.

    They should do White Entertainment Television. But slowly get more and more unhinged about it. Like first two months, air constant Last Man Standing reruns. Then start slowly feeding in weird progressive stuff. By the end of the second year, make it like the gayest anti Trump channel on TV.