Man, King Tut was awesome. He had a space dagger. No wonder aliens kept showing up in Ancient Egypt, they wanted their property back.
Man, King Tut was awesome. He had a space dagger. No wonder aliens kept showing up in Ancient Egypt, they wanted their property back.
I beat the Melee event with Giga Bowser, Mewtwo and Ganondorf using that move. You feel like a superhero when you manage to do it like nine times.
He's Jack Black reprising his role from Nacho Libre.
Sure, he can be Americo's wealthy friend, Thomas Jefferson.
RIP Paul Ryan's presidential hopes and dreams.
We really need to hijack The Aeneid and make our own version, just to show how much cooler we are than those countries.
Everything is Bible fanfiction. Even the New Testament.
The Casper sequel to Paradise Lost is award winning.
The party's elder statesman is Mitt Romney. It's all downhill from there.
I think my grandfather must be an addict. Thanks NBC.
Yeah but their God is spelled differently. There's just no way to salvage that.
Trump has problems with women voters. So, his top pick is Newt Gingrich. Bill Kristol realizes Trump is poison for women voters. Picks the most insecure guy ever who freaks the fuck out over a woman talking to another man.
I'm assuming you didn't hear his views on women.
Bill Kristol picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue.
I think the best part of the event was how hard they worked to kill Scarlet Witch, Hawkeye, Vision, and Ant-Man and now those are some of the biggest characters because of the MCU.
Feige loves Community, I wouldn't doubt it.
I know Avengers vs X-Men and Civil War are garbage, but, Avengers Disassembled needs to be on that list. What the fuck was any of that? House of M was really good, but that character assassination on Scarlet Witch is stupid as hell.