It's also REALLY scarily Christian.…
I think my favorite thing about the Sonic franchise is, no matter where you go, some part of it is more insane than the last part. Example, this absolutely amazing Archie Sonic page:
I live in South Carolina. Literally any time of day will be empty after Friday. So I'll see it Friday with all the crazy people for that Marvel hype.
I accidentally read these like they were lyrics from We Didn't Start The Fire.
Is Space Reagan in that one?
Space Kerfuffle
Ah yes, The Mighty Number 9 release schedule.
Eight years ago, I got invited to an MSN conversation where somebody added two chatbots. I always wonder how long they kept talking after everybody left.
That's the Reagan guarantee.
I guess now we'll never know if Ted Cruz was good at draddling, I believe that's the term, the ball into the ring.
Ted Cruz lost because he wasn't conservative enough. Maybe he will be next time. That's the Reagan guarantee.
A pop up book so you can appreciate his attractiveness.
My grandmother had a lot of moving boxes around her house, so her cats were using them to sleep on. She put all the boxes away to clean up some space. In response, her cats have decided to sleep on the kitchen counters or on top of the cabinets to spite her.
Without even realizing it, I've been on an X-Men kick the past week. Legion Quest, Age of Apocalypse, a whole lot of Fabian Nicieza era stuff and building up to the Morrison New X-Men era. Late 90s X-Men was super obsessed with Cyclops/Jean/Sinister/Cable/Apocalypse though. Feels like every other story was about…
There's a funny little story in the Donald Duck collection I got. Don Rosa was told to write a story about Donald and his nephews visiting the soon to be opened, this was commissioned in 1988, Disney-MGM Studio theme park. He put in as much detail as he could, to really highlight the park. The story was later…
A lot of what I've seen speculated is suggesting Part 1 is some kind of variation on Thanos Quest. I wish I could remember where I found it, but there was something talking about how Thanos would have a pretty big role in Part 1 that suggested more than just the villain role. Feige was talking it up as being…
That's not fair. Ben Carson will accept anything as long as he can claim he had to beat it out of the other person.
My joke pick is shamelessly stolen.
Oh god, this is 2000 all over again. Ben Carson is the new Dick Cheney.