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    Are we finally getting Avengers: Thanos Quest?

    Exactly how is it toxic? I didn't mention or even care about how perfect or great the Democratic Party is. If you want to shape the face of the Democratic party, or any party, why would you do it outside of the party? Why would anybody want somebody to come into their job and tell them what they're doing wrong? It

    In the wake of this election, even the Republicans are going to go with the superdelegates. There is no way you should risk having another Trump run away with the election.

    The white people part? Mitt Romney got a higher percentage of white voters than any president since Reagan. Dude got destroyed by Obama.

    This election has become so fucking bizarre for liberals on the internet

    This is the Republican's 1968 election. You want to play with racism and overall bigotry on the national stage? Go ahead, you're going to lose the White House and Supreme Court for a long time.

    Donald Trump is the endgame of John McCain singing "Bomb Bomb Iran" at campaign stops. They deserve this.

    What issues? He and Hillary agree on 93% of policies anyway. Anything he'd want to get through she already plans on passing. Anything else was never going to get through. You don't get to be an Independent and shit on the Democratic party your entire career, then start wanting to add issues to the party.

    A lot of Ron Paul voters HAVE moved over to Bernie this election cycle.

    It's also incredibly stupid because a lot of states will be in play now that Trump is the nominee. Trump has pissed off a LOT of minorities, especially in the south.

    The bullshit about "I only win blue states" that his campaign and supporters have thrown out is one of the grossest things I have ever seen. You've won Alaska, Idaho, Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Utah, and Wyoming. Don't act like you're a purity winner.

    He needs to at least cut the fucking attacks. He was supposed to be in this to run a clean campaign and it's absolutely idiotic to see him going that low.

    With this essentially done on the Republican side, I think we really need to see the Democratic side wrapped up. With all the shit Trump is spewing and a Supreme Court seat on the line, I really don't want this to be another Jimmy Carter where the Democrat looks weak because of petty party infighting.

    With Donald Trump, you can tie every single Republican to him. You can poison the well for years and make it really hard to successfully run Senate and House races without people remembering that you endorsed Trump.

    Do you remember where you were on 7/11? Donald Trump does.

    Ted Cruz believes there is a conspiracy to outlaw golf. And that's the least crazy thing he believes in.


    I'm just going to save everybody some time now.