This class of Republicans were all very good at talking about Donald Trump's penis. I believe that's very important for a politician.
This class of Republicans were all very good at talking about Donald Trump's penis. I believe that's very important for a politician.
Think of this as WWE. Nobody is ever gone. Rubio and Jeb "The Mess" Bush will be back to throw down with Trump at the convention.
You see, the trick to winning is *eats entire pizza in one sitting*
I don't understand. Why would he drop out if he has a running mate already?
That is ABSOLUTELY not true. Kasich won a free all you can eat buffet visit.
Donald Trump won Indiana. Shows over, bye blob fish and Who That.
Ted Cruz wanted so badly to be president. It was his destiny, it was his entire life's goal. God told him he'd be president. Why would God turn his back on Ted, on America? Does God not love him? Does God not love America?
John Harwood @JohnJHarwood
Cruz: "People of Indiana are only thing standing between us & the abyss. Entire country looking to Hoosier state to pull us back from brink"
Trump already stole Make America Great Again from an old Reagan poster, it's not like he's the brightest light bulb in Trump towers.
WB is having the best year.
100% real. Kasich is running on a pro fanfiction platform.
Everybody stop what you're doing right now.
I just remembered a great Prince memory. My math teacher in high school was somebody that a lot of people liked, but, seemed to have this impression of being boring. I can only describe him as if Sam Elliot decided to teach math. He would play all kinds of music in class during assignments or tests. But, normal…
I loved watching Free Republic being torn between hating Trump for this, and hating Cruz even more because he responded to Trump. They were angry that Cruz chose, yet again, to be a follower instead of a leader.
This feels like the tenth time he's attempted to pivot to the center. It never lasts, because there's not strong enough hands at the wheel in his campaign.
When my mom was watching the show, my uncle walked in on that scene. He loves the Beastmaster. The entire scene was like Dumb & Dumber.