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    Yogi Bear is smarter than the average Zack Snyder.

    My high school had an English teacher named Paige Turner.

    Question for you guys.
    Do Trumpian conspiracy theorist believe 7/11 was a part time job?

    What a truly fantastic "Get fucked" moment for Andrew Jackson's vengeful ghost.

    I'm still expecting him to nominate himself during the riot.

    Bush lost reelection because he had to raise taxes and that wasn't even in a 24/7 internet world.

    More recently known as The Donald Trump Ratings Grab.

    It's also why the Superdelegates exist. Ted Kennedy fucked the party over and undermined Carter by being able to go to the convention and almost steal it away from him.

    The whole point of the system is it's not democratic. Like, that's the entire point. The Democrats pick their candidate and the Republicans pick theirs. A lot of Bernie supporters don't understand how they work and it's really annoying.

    Yeah, the liberal part.

    Kasich is only still in the race because of the free food.

    It turns out insulting New York after getting destroyed by Donald Trump on TV is a bad idea.

    Just wait until we get out of the south. Then we'll see who's laughing.

    Bernie's own fucking adviser HELPED CREATED THE SUPER DELEGATE.

    I'd like to thank everybody who helped us get to this point. Especially you, This comment was deleted, you used to have a lot of upvotes. I'll always remember the comment I think you had.

    This comment is very sarcastic.

    It's not.

    Here's another great one.