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    1. Emotional Consequences of Broadcast Television
    2. Bondage & Beta Male Sexuality
    3. Early 21st Century Romanticism
    4. Queer Studies & Advanced Waxing
    5. Pascal's Triangle Revisited

    There's actually a lot of great material to dig through in these kind of shows. The question is, will they?

    The committee has had its good moments. The Avengers foreshadowing in Iron Man 1 was because of them. It's just that, after so many movies, you don't need them when Marvel has had so many successful hits. The final straw was really them pushing too far with the 2015 productions.

    A lot of it was also the creative committee Marvel/Ike had put into place. They led to Whedon leaving. It was a bunch of comic book writers who had no idea what they wanted to do in the movies. The reception to Age of Ultron and the troubled history of Ant-Man was enough for Feige to disband the group and push for

    Honestly, Edgar's original script really sucked. Janet was dead, Hope had like 5 minutes, Hank dies at the end. What was even the point if it couldn't respect the original characters?

    Somehow, I just realized John Kasich has no eyebrows. At least paint some on.

    Dinald Trimp. Best friend to Woll Smoth.

    I see Fox found WB's Sunk Cost Fallacy manual.

    I said Donald Trump, not Goodfelines. I'll still accept it though.

    Write your best Donald Trump speech. All the cool candidates are doing it.

    Apparently she was cast in Civil War before Luke Cage. Robert Downey Jr suggested her to the casting people. So this one falls on the TV people.

    The fact that Men In Black 3 lost money for them, not even on a Hollywood accounting level, really just sums up Sony for me. Even when they win, they still lose.

    I feel like 90% of Sony's projects can be summed up as "lol Sony."

    If anybody is interested in Marvel Unlimited, there's a free one month offer today. Today only. The code is DOCTOR.

    Craig Mazin @clmazin
    Ted Cruz thinks people don't have a right to "stimulate their genitals." I was his college roommate. This would be a new belief of his.

    Mephisto decides not to ruin Peter's life, because his relative was named May too.