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    I really need to reread Doctor Strange. You've given me a different outlook on the character.

    This is a very serious trailer why are you mocking it?

    Are we sure he's likely to be Donald Trump's running mate? He's got that Ted Cruz "struggling to be a human being" style going on.

    They all love those stupid ABC Family shows more than any other demographic. It's insane.

    Just imagine what Hillary's team has dug up, or what the Republicans have found. This shit would make him 2016's Mondale or Dukakis.

    I love how Community has played such a big role in shaping the Marvel universe. So it's only fair that everybody slowly show up in the movies as a result.

    I assume this means the cast of Community will be one of the 60 characters in Infinity Wars.

    He's still making the exact same argument. I get it, he loves Cuba. He loves Russia. But, honestly, those are some of the worst countries to look at and go "Yes, let's be more like them." There's a guy on neogaf who talked about having to stand in food lines. It's a RECENT topic.

    If a country has a food line, it sure as hell isn't healthy. If you have to start rationing food out to your people, just covering your ears and loudly screaming "everything's alright" isn't going to make things better..

    My biggest problem is the outright ignoring of context. In a society where food lines exist, the rich are STILL EATING BETTER THAN THE POOR. Post World War 1 Germany, Great Depression USA. The poor were fucked over and the rich weren't struggling for food.

    He's been like this for a long time. Everything EVERYTHING goes back to wealth. He has good points, then he turns around and ruins it. When called out on praising dictators, he gets mad and tries to cut the interview. He's such an unknown guy that all this shit gets dragged out because people start looking into

    That was Ironside Jr.

    The Night Shift survives because Sony has no luck with long lasting TV. Heartbeat is a flop and Chicago Med is only a hit if you redefine hit as "Not getting under a 1 every week" like TV is doing now. If you define it that way, NBC is doing great with hospital dramas!

    You guys remember that show Blindspot? Remember how it was a HUUUUUUUGE hit at the beginning of the season?