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    All of this only came out because of Gamergate. Nintendo knew about the first one and would have told her to quit the second job normally. But it turned into a witch hunt so it was just an easy excuse to fire her.

    Republican stubbornness over the years is fascinating. They got a big uptick of it after the Dixiecrats joined the party. They were happy to get the Tea Party on board, but, after they primaried Cantor, the party leaders realized they had to go scorched earth to get those idiots out.

    Since it's very obvious they won't let Trump be the nominee, what way do you think they're going to screw him over?

    The entire meltdown relationship between Roosevelt and Taft is absolutely amazing. We had a few "stolen" and stolen elections in the 1800s, but, Roosevelt straight up beat Taft into submission then ran off while the party burned.

    Coke threatened to leave Atlanta, just to get the city to recognize Martin Luther King Jr. The NFL had to skip Arizona over for a Super Bowl just to get them to recognize the holiday. Absolutely amazing what makes people rethink their idiocy.

    If they steal this from Trump, 2016 could very well zoom straight past 1968 and go back into some Adams/Jackson level political fucking.

    Apple, Google AND Walmart are thinking of fleeing the entire thing. This is going to be amazing.

    The Democratic riot in 68 is the exact reason that Nixon was able to straight sweep through. If that happens on live TV in 2016, the Democrats could very well sweep the presidency, Senate and make the House REALLY uncomfortable for Republicans.

    You know what's horrifying and really sad? That's the entire point of this. When confronted with the fact that their attitudes will regress the industry to how it was in the 80s and early 90s, they cheer about that. They don't want games to be inclusive. They just want to strawman about how Mario now has to be a

    The part that really pisses me off is how companies are even using Gamergate now to market their games. Dead or Alive and Star Ocean 5 are hacking parts of the game off and blaming it on SJWs, just because they know they can get around spending money on marketing if you get a bunch of people on twitter going "I

    It's absolutely amazing that video game fans spent like 30 years whining that women made fun of them for playing games. Then, they realize women have been working on games since the first games existed and they do everything possible to drive every single one of them out of the industry.

    Gamergate went after her, not caring for even a second that she was marketing. She was this evil woman who ruined their Fire Emblems and Xenoblades because she was an evil Social Justice Warrior. She had absolutely nothing to do with any of it and WAS IN FAVOR OF KEEPING THOSE PARTS OF THE GAME INTACT.

    90% of the game industry is too afraid to call out these assholes, because they still want their money. Every time these idiots chase a woman out of the industry, not one company has stood by the woman. They've done absolutely nothing. It happened with Bioware before this. But they can't piss off a bunch of angry

    Nintendo of America gave in to Gamergate, and all the trash that support those beliefs, and fired an employee. The one employee who had the same core beliefs about keeping Japanese games intact in the conversation to English.

    You cry when I tell you to cry. So reabsorb that disgusting droplet of salt and bad choices back into your doughy body. And then call your mother to see if you can be reabsorbed back into her doughy body or so help me God, I will take that tear, I will freeze it, and I will stab you in the eye with it, you waste of a

    RIP Cleveland, you had a good run.

    Shirley or Elroy?