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    All those poor neoconservatives and rich old men. What party would they have after this? :(

    Is that even a human laugh?

    As much as I'd love a left leaning court, ideally it's better to have it be moderate. The court will naturally be far far far to the left of Scalia and his crazy ass politics, which will help a lot of important issues in the future. And there are two justices right now who are likely to step down in the future and I

    Mitch McConnell still STILL refuses to do anything about this. Shooting down a left leaning guy who has great standing with the Republican party?

    Romney didn't even write a concession speech on top of that. Even the winners of history have speeches set out for if they lose.

    A few days ago, there was supposed to be this big story at National Review about how Ted Cruz was getting a bunch of endorsements.

    Here's something interesting. Let's say the Republicans pick him. This is actually a great guy to have on the court.

    He's pro gun control. If they nominate him, the Republican base will eat them alive over it. Obama really wants to push Sri Srinivasan, but there's no way the Republicans would let him through, so you push through the moderate as a sacrifice.

    Goddamn, Hillary straight up swept everything tonight. 5 for 5.

    Here's an amusing little note. Nixon had better approval ratings after Watergate than Trump has right now.

    The thought of the Republicans being on the other side of a 1968-1988 style Democratic sweep is fantastic.

    If you let Trump go third party, he'll take all the crazy racist Tea Party people with them and the party would have to pivot back, since that's the only people actually voting at this point.

    If they block Trump at the convention, it will literally be 1968
    Democratic Convention level violent. The riot last week? Yeah, I'm not
    joking when I say that will be five times worse. It would destroy the
    party, just like it killed the Democrats for like 20 years and swept in Nixon.

    He has a bright future ahead of him. He'll be the best bottled water spokesman.

    As we wait for the results to finally drop, let's review all the great Rubio nicknames over the past few months. My top three are

    We lost Florida, but that's alright guys. Listen, Ronald Reagan didn't win his own state either, right? Don't look that up. We're going to win and…

    RIP Rubio's career.

    All of this will brew together to make the perfect storm of a general election landslide though.

    Thanks Obama.