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    I obviously blame this on Obama creating Trump.

    The "death" of the anthology show is still the most confusing misstep for broadcast TV. Unlike the variety show, there's still a lot to be done with it. You could go anywhere with the format. It's like the easiest genre to write a good show with, as long as you are creative enough for it. If this week's episode

    You can basically read Secret Warriors first. It's not really related to anything, but a lot of the MCU stuff borrows from it; Winter Soldier and Agents of Shield especially. After that, you can just read this list:

    There's a specific reading order for how to read it when you get to the Fantastic Four/FF Avengers/New Avengers stuff. I have to dig it out, but you shouldn't need it for a while.

    You should find a way to read literally ALL of Jonathan Hickman's Marvel career.

    Something I've been thinking about for a few days. If you were a Republican voter, WHO is there to vote for?

    It's amazing how gleefully everybody signed that pledge and now they are all realizing how painfully it's going to bite them in the ass.

    I still find it interesting how many people in the US want to say Nazis were left wing. Trump's supporters sure seem really liberal, don't they?

    Is this the Trump version of "The real racists are the people who call me racist" or am I not getting it?

    I keep seeing this video online with the description "Donald Trump and Chris Christie have been friends for a long time."

    Man, Kasich has got to be pissed that his dumb town hall shit got bumped to like midnight due to this insanity.

    That convention was crazy as shit. They almost set a black delegate on fire. They still set his suit on fire, but, holy shit how do you get to THAT point?

    Between this and the number of illegal immigrants getting American citizenship just to vote against Trump in the elections, he's doing a lot of good for the Democrats.

    General election attack ads.

    Trump is a mess.

    I stumbled onto a topic of Full House fans reacting to these reviews. Their anger was funnier than anything in the entire franchise. The classic one was "Critics just hate everything anyway."

    Hopefully the success of Ant-Man convinced them that people understand it's the actor underneath all the prop gear.

    He has a very expressive mask too