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    Tony's mask changed expressions all the time in the comics too. For some reason, they just preferred to keep the Iron Man mask with the >: ( style expression in the movies.

    The mask is a mechanical mask. In the comics, it was because Peter built this really incredible suit. In the movies, it's likely that Tony has helped him build the first variant. I don't know deeper into the Spiderman suit technology, but that's the basic ground level of it.

    A year ago I would have said Red Hulk, but, now that Hulk isn't in this movie (or at least not until the post credits scene) I have no idea what's left. I know they still have to show off the actual villains, since we haven't seen them for any longer than three seconds.

    I'm glad they're keeping Giant Man hidden for now. I think he's going to fly off the arrow and then turn into Giant Man. And that would be the greatest thing ever.

    Black Panther is going to fuck everybody's shit. Holy shit he's amazing looking, absolutely flawless.

    They did the Ant-Man/Hawkeye arrow shot too. I'm sold and I need this movie yesterday.

    Carson's Black Jesus is bad if by bad you mean good, because we are all good in the eyes of Jesus.

    Considering the name Bobby comes from his obsession with The Brady Bunch, does Jindal wake up in the morning and think that's how he actually looks?

    There's something so fascinating about a guy who hates himself so much that he commissions his portrait to be a knock off Ronald Reagan/Rob Lowe.

    Thanks Obama.

    Here's something confusing. If you take the test using Obama's positions, there's no way to end up that far right. Not to mention the giant blindspot where Thatcher is somehow more right wing than Hitler.

    I'm struggling to understand how Obama is even remotely close to Rick fucking Santorum on anything. The guy would proudly dismantle the government to rebuild it in a theocracy, with everything that comes with it.

    I really can't believe people ACTUALLY fall for that Kasich and Rubio moderate crap. People whined for EIGHT FUCKING YEARS about George Bush, now suddenly people want to go back to that? Kasich PRAISED Strom Thurmond. Jesus fucking christ are people really going to fall for that?

    In order to actually be Literally Hitler, wouldn't Trump have to actually have ideas? Night of the Long Knives was Hitler's attack on any opponents. Hitler was able to rise up because Germany was completely and utterly FUCKED after World War 1. What do we have? A president with a 51% approval, an actually good

    This was truly the fruit salad of our lives.