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    Ben Carson dropped out. :(

    It's amazing how far Ted Cruz has gotten, when you consider how big of an Achilles heel he has. Ted Cruz's dad was a huge part of the birther movement. Ted Cruz's dad was also an illegal alien who gamed the system to avoid being deported after bribing his way out of Cuba and having his visa expire. He married a US

    Trump is still trying to push this issue, but, he's also settled on Ted being a liar. Donald keeps threatening to take Cruz to court if he finds out Cruz isn't legally an American. It's just that calling him a liar is so much easier.

    Who would Reagan even compare himself to?

    Gosh oh geez, I was at a town hall debate recently and this woman walked up to me. She said "John, you're a great man and you should be president." I smiled at her, a tear slowly forming in the corner of my eye. I looked at her and said "No ma'am, the only man who deserved to be president was Ronald Reagan."

    And then he smiled at the baby and he hugged the baby and I was there too.

    Ronald Reagan smiled at me once.
    - John Kasich 2016 campaign slogan

    And then Joe Biden just shows up at all the debates.

    Our lord and savior Mitt Romney will save us. It is his destiny to unite the party against all Obamas who dare to defeat us and tempt us from our destined path.

    I saw this on reddit and I had to agree. If 30 Rock was still on the air, Jack would be running for president. However, I think Tracy would also be running. The final episode of the season would be the two of them as the last remaining choices for the Republican party.

    I love the 47% of Americans I hated in the last election. Binders full of women? I've got shelves of it. The only reason I wanted Donald Trump's support in 2012 was, he hated Obama for being black. Don't we all?

    Man, Mitt Romney really loves losing.

    Oh, this? That's Roland Regan. Former…ABC Family star.

    Mitt Romney @MittRomney
    A disqualifying & disgusting response by @realDonaldTrump to the KKK. His coddling of repugnant bigotry is not in the character of America.

    It'll just play out like WWE.

    Expand on that.

    Kasich kept Rubio from winning Virginia and some of the leaders are pissed about it.

    He'd have the most consistent voting record in senate history.