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    Jennifer Bendery @jbendery
    GOP operatives considering urging Ben Carson to quit the prez race and run for Marco Rubio's Senate seat, per CNN's Dana Bash.

    Taniel @Taniel
    Rubio won Minnesota big—but it's the state that allocates its delegates most evenly. Allocation based on 88% in
    Rubio 14, Cruz 13, Trump 11

    I thought he'd be happy to see Rubio murdered on the national stage though.

    This is a sure sign from the American people. The American people heard my prayers and responded. The American people decided that it's time to remove Obama. Obama knows exactly what he's doing. So do we. This November, we're going to take this country back and show the world that we know exactly what we're

    This means Jeb still has a chance.

    The Rubiomentum is real. Watch out guys, we're going to a brokered convention.

    A lot of the media is starting to turn against Rubio, and that's even with the Minnesota win. It's over for him. He can't even run away to Florida, they hate him there too.

    Slow and steady wins the race.
    - Jeb Bush

    Marco's holding out for the breaking news that the RNC has changed the rules so whoever wins Minnesota wins the presidency.

    I still love how the only way to take out Trump is the Cruz Missile.

    In the Republican party, even the losers are winners are losers.

    Donald Trump apparently has Rick Scott in the wing for an endorsement. Florida is going to be so fun.

    Everybody's a winner in the new Republican party. Even the losers.

    Rubio viability watch in the 20% threshold states:

    The Real Vice Presidential Candidates of Washington DC

    Thank you, thank you. This country is great. Just a great country, the best country, we always win and we win big. I love this country and capitalism, and capitalism is our life blood. That's why, I've decided to host the Donald Trump Live Presidential Show. We're winners and winners win, so I want to award the

    David Duke would pick David Duke as his running mate, since David Duke knows David Duke is a good man. ALF would be his hair and make up or something.

    Just the debates alone would be incredible. It would be like SNL Celebrity Jeopardy come to life.

    It would be a 1932 level blowout. Shit would be fantastic.

    I saw this on neogaf and had to show somebody: