The Amazon UK Community complete series boxset is pretty great looking.
It even has the entire cast on it.
The Amazon UK Community complete series boxset is pretty great looking.
It even has the entire cast on it.
Something like this should have been saved for the general election when more than just Republicans are voting. Like John Oliver's October Surprise.
I love this episode too.
I really do think, by 2024 at least, somebody with Bernie's views would sweep the election. A young Obama like socialist when the Baby Boomers have really started clearing out would be unstoppable.
I think the other thing to keep in mind, Bernie vs Trump would also have Bloomberg running as a spoiler for Bernie. That alone would kneecap any momentum he could gain against Trump. And that's the scary part.
I've seen a lot of talk from people who are toying with the idea of voting for Hillary if Trump is on the ticket. A lot of Republican states might suddenly not be deep red in November.
There's a good chance Bernie could make some serious inroads to fighting off the negatives of the label, but, it's still got horrible ratings in this country.
Speaking of polls, here's an amazing detail I've noticed. I know it's too soon to start looking at states in the general election, but, one or two general election polls are hinting that Hillary could make Texas a competitive state. Trump's racist rhetoric is looking like it'll hurt him. Not enough to lose the…
At this point in time, general election polls are useless. Dukakis was ahead of Bush all the way through July of election year. And we saw what happened there.
The people voting in the Republican party love that "fuck the political system, the government needs to burn." that Trump feeds them. While there is some on the left, it's not even remotely close to how bad the Republican side is. What works on the Republican side will crush somebody in the general.
To be fair, part of the reason Sanders has such a high favorability is the Republicans WANT him to win. They know he's an easy opponent to beat. Put him in the general election and his numbers would drop like a rock. It's similar to Rubio. People like him when they don't know all that much about him. That's why…
I will never understand the people who throw a fit and threaten to switch from Bernie to Trump after a loss like this. "Oh, I don't care about that old guy's policies. I just like that he hates the parties like Trump!" It's tied with "lol imagine how funny it would be if Trump won the election XD"
Bernie's speech in Minnesota was really bad, because it ended up giving off that kind of attitude. He told them "I know you'll vote for me, because you're a smart crowd." and that's going to be brutal to get through in the next few days.
It went really racist and nobody can tell if it was trolls or actual Bernie supporters spewing that shit. I saw one comment that was something like "This wouldn't happen if black people didn't have the right to vote."
I want to see a Trump vs Hillary debate moderated by Megyn Kelly.
Donald Trump literally came out and said "I love the poorly educated." and his supporters ate it up. The officials created this horrid monster that's likely going to eat up the party and spit out something resembling a moderate party.
Chris Christie is willing to watch it all burn just to make sure Rubio goes down with it.
If the Republican party was able to control the voters, this election could have been terrifying. Like, legitimately terrifying.
I like that Christie knows exactly what he's doing. The party is dead, his political future is destroyed. Who cares if he burns every bridge?
If Trump wins Florida, Rubio is done. If he wins Texas too, Cruz is done. It's beautiful, really. Trump is going to dominate Super Tuesday and he'll be too far ahead by the time Cruz or Rubio drops out.