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    Alexandra Jaffe ‏@ajjaffe
    We landed on Air Rubio (the charter) as the Christie endorsement news came in. Rubio & advisers holding off comment till they know more.

    Chris Christie just endorsed Donald Trump and they're using the rally to attack Marco Rubio.

    It's really sad that Community's political episode is the maturity of Republican politics today.

    This is a lot like with Nixon. You can make a lot of great political headway, but, you can just as easily lose it and sour your legacy with the wrong moves. Romney wanted to push himself as a very liberal Republican when running against people like Ted Kennedy. The second he got the nomination though, he tried to

    Abraham Lincoln was an incredible debater. I wish we still had transcripts of those debates. He was able to eloquently debate his rival while also straight up mocking him at every point.

    The complete disdain he had for Nixon was amazing. Asked about Nixon's greatest achievements, his response was something like "If you give me a week, I can probably think of something." He couldn't stand JFK either. He thought he was just a pretty boy with no actual thoughts of his own. He's an interesting guy.

    Wasn't Mitt Romney the guy who said he had a binder full of women?

    Is everybody ready for Tuesday? This was merely prologue. On Tuesday, the true story begins.

    Be sure to visit my website to find out more about my hands.

    A reminder that 1% of Ben Carson supporters are white supremacists.

    Somebody needs to ask him. I can just picture it.

    Ted's a nasty guy. Just a real nasty guy. Did you hear this? 38% of people think he might be the Zodiac Killer. This guy, he comes from Canada as a kid, and he's killing people? Just a terrible guy. I don't want a killer as my president.

    Chris Christie would bring back the Andrew Jackson presidency. Everybody gets a punch to the face.

    Ali Weinberg @AliABCNews
    @LindseyGrahamSC: "my party is going bats—t crazy" #wpcfdinner

    Frank Thorp V @frankthorpNBC
    Sen Graham at the #WPCFDinner: "If you kill Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial is at the Senate, no one will convict you."

    She sat through like a 13 hour hearing on Benghazi without ever flinching. She would eat any of these people alive. And it would be BEAUTIFUL.

    George H W Bush is going to finish his second term. If Reagan can run the office at his age, then Bush can. Reagan Reagan Reagan.

    Ted's a nasty guy. Just a real nasty guy. What kind of guy would attack another man like this? Just a really nasty guy.

    Donald Trump is basically switching back and forth between which guy he uses as a weapon to attack the other guy with.

    I still can't get over how John Kasich is just Gil Gunderson.