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    Donald Trump's five point plan to winning political debates.
    1) Always talk about how you have a great relationship with ______.
    2) I run a very large business so it's very easy to run a government I have a lot of money.
    3) You are a loser/you have low energy/you are a nasty guy.
    4) I'm so far ahead of you in the polls,

    Which makes it funnier that all these guys are losing to him. Before Trump, that was EXACTLY who Ted Cruz was. And Trump is running circles around him with his own playbook.

    I should run as a Republican. Apparently Carson and Huckabee found a way to make a lot of money by using the campaign to promote their books.

    The beauty of the Trump voter base is, should Rubio or Cruz beat him tonight, that makes him look better. Trump can just cry "Look, the establishment hates me!" and he wins again.

    I love watching Cruz's reaction when Trump tells him "If I can't beat Hillary, you're going to get killed."

    I'm glad to see Donald Trump with the bold and progressive idea of not letting people die in the streets.

    He was taken out by an old Biblical conspiracy. I don't know why they let that happen to him. :(

    I don't know, Ted Cruz talked about sexualized health care and I'm interested in hearing more.

    Wow, Undecided gets the short end of the stick again. Maybe 2024.

    Really? I thought Not Sure had better odds of winning than Gilmore. It's too bad he had to drop out too.

    He has almost a Chris Christie size closet full of skeletons. He tried to run for governor and backed off because of what people have on him.

    Donald Trump hates Megyn Kelly. It's beautiful. When she was moderating the debate before Iowa, he essentially fled town and cried about bullying.

    They won't. Back in 2008, Obama TORE into McCain when McCain was doing stupid shit like singing about bombing Iran. And that was far away from Trump level tactics.

    Jeb should have stayed in longer. The combination of him and Megyn Kelly would have been the ultimate one two punch to cause a Trump meltdown.

    I'm expecting him to start off very subtle with his sexism, and just build and build with it.

    In the first debate, Hillary could win just by bringing a folder and listing off every terrible thing he has said with a time stamp attached to it.

    Rubio has decided to attack him on not being conservative enough. Instead of attacking him for the schoolyard bully he is, he's playing the "YOU AREN'T A TRUE REPUBLICAN" card. Basically, ignoring that Jeb got under his skin by attacking him on kicking an old woman out of her house before demolishing it for a

    Watching Rubio try to take down Trump tonight will be amazing.

    This is what it feels like to me:

    Mitt Romney @MittRomney
    Methinks the Donald doth protest too much. Show voters your back taxes, @realDonaldTrump. #WhatIsHeHiding