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    Assuming this isn't Z in any form, I imagine it's because Iwata isn't there anymore. The only reason we got Black 2 and White 2 was Iwata telling Gamefreak something along the lines of "If you are going to release one more game on the DS, it can't be just a normal third release."

    I say let it. Going to the convention and putting Rubio as the nomination drives Trump to a third party and causes the anti establishment base to split the party even harder.

    Rubio's 3-2-1 plan is still the greatest thing he's bragged about. At this point, it's like 3-5-2-2-2-2-3-3-3-3.

    It's kind of amazing. If it was literally ANYBODY ELSE winning all these states, the Republican party would have told the other candidates to drop out. But, Trump keeps winning state after state and there are still stories like "Rubio surges with strong comeback" narratives.

    We are going to win and win and win and win.

    Ted Cruz cheats at the monkey bars.

    This fucking election.

    The thought of Hillary getting into office and electing a justice more liberal than any of Obama's choices makes the entire thing amazing and I hope that happens.

    That's exactly it. The party has been eaten alive by the Tea Party base and they want to hold the nomination hostage to get those people out to vote and "take back the presidency", not realizing how stupid that is.

    I love this episode.

    Donald Trump has ties to organized crime, I'm shocked, so I can see him calling in those favors if he really falls in the polls.

    The way they were writing the Jeb Bush character the last few weeks feels like such an aborted plot at this point. The gun tweet, the "If you don't vote for me, at least pray for my family" comment too. What were they building to? I would have expected a Trump vs Jeb WWE style showdown if they had kept using him.

    2016 is the best election ever.

    It makes sense. Who watches the watchers when they corrupt the game?

    ?????Z???? ?X??
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    That's like the theme of Jeb's entire campaign. What a completely pointless waste of time for everybody involved.

    Will Jeb just hang around the debates to get beat up anyway?