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    They ran out a few days ago.

    Trump, Cruz and Carson, on the Republican side, are really just tapping into how the Republican voters feel that the party has lost any chance at winning because they keep electing losers. The reason Trump especially is so far ahead is because he's tapped into the opinions of people who think Trump would be better

    That's what happens when you have the entire Republican party hoping desperately that Rubio will be their Obama. Ted Cruz came in first in Iowa, yet the entire story was RUBIO GETS AMAZING THIRD PLACE FINISH.

    At this moment in time, I love that we have a front running Republican who won South Carolina while shitting all over George Bush's legacy. In the one state that still loves him, Donald Trump won by attacking every single thing about the Bush presidency. And he won BIG after doing it. I can handle the future crazy

    The scarier thing isn't a Trump type, it's actually Rubio. Somebody who can pretend to be a nice moderate guy while being scarily right wing. That's going to be the fight in 2016 or 2020.

    Considering Donald Trump's almost toxic level unfavorable numbers in the general election, I'd love to see it.

    That cat should be fired for having a comb over.

    And Trump just became the nominee with that one.

    I think, in general, it means that most people in South Carolina don't care about the outside world and just love Ted Cruz. For some reason. This state is stupid.

    It's still amazingly entertaining just for how much Donald Trump has fucked the race for everybody. This election was supposed to be Bush vs Clinton as a repeat to 1992. Donald Trump went after Jeb so much that he just broke the guy. Then we find out Marco Rubio literally has two speeches and it just hits another

    Donald Trump got a fantastic burn on Jeb! Bush too.

    He's hibernating until Trump makes Jeb cry again.

    jimgeraghty @jimgeraghty
    My God, the debate has turned into the comments section.

    No, it's coded. It's password1.

    Bernie Sanders watched Spongebob that day. He heard Patrick saying to move the town and thought "That's a fantastic idea."

    Ben Carson can't even label a US map correctly, how the hell does he know what the middle east is?

    Trump is going to steamroll South Carolina. They love his racist obnoxious shtick. He's like double the guy in second.

    Like most people, you're curious if Marcosoft finally fixed that fatal error?