Mitt Romney chose a guy who wanted to kill Medicare because fuck you got mine, then told the people of Florida that Obama wanted to gut Medicare.
Mitt Romney chose a guy who wanted to kill Medicare because fuck you got mine, then told the people of Florida that Obama wanted to gut Medicare.
We know Romney didn't choose Chris Christie because the dude is corrupt as fuck. Jeb Bush seems to want to use the lobbyist affair against Rubio. If he can't win, he's taking somebody down with him.
I really want Hillary to win. Another Democrat is great, but, the added bonus would be the implosion of the Republican party.
Remember, Ted Cruz is still running on an anti gay marriage platform. So it would be super fun if he was nominating the next justices.
Ted Cruz, as has been mentioned, is one of the most intelligent people in politics. He's scary and not to be fucked with. All that pop culture stuff? He's trying to hook himself into the young Republican demographic. He terrifies me because he's not an idiot, so he knows exactly what to do to get the country on…
Something in Rubio's history scared off Mitt Romney in 2012, so, let's hope that eventually comes to light. Keep him and Cruz FAAAAAAAR away from the presidency. The new president might very well have to nominate some new justices and I don't want either of them being the ones with that power.
It's scary that people seem to forget that Rubio is Bush III. Jeb Bush is off in the field trying to convince somebody to listen, but, Rubio dressed himself up as a moderate when he's anything but.
David Cameron's got so bad at this shit too that Marvel is using his quotes for their supervillains.
I'd honestly rather Trump get the nomination. The idea of Ted Cruz getting anywhere near the presidency with his views is scary as hell. This is the guy who said "I don't know if sand glows in the dark, but we'll find out if we bomb it enough times."
Ted Cruz looks like a wax model that started to melt and he sounds ready to cry all the time.
They're saving Goku for the NX All-Stars Edition.
One thing I do find funny. On the whole, Deep Space Nine still has a lot of people who hate that it moved away from the actiony parts of the franchise. Deep Space Nine has an entire episode about Sisko weighing the moral pros and cons of lying to get into war. It's one of the best episodes of the show. But, more…
Fun fact, the big final battle of Deep Space Nine was influenced by the Battle of Endor. And it is awesome for it. Ships doing flips in space to blow each other up.
I love how ridiculous and awesome that fight was. Scott apologizing as he's ripping apart his suit. Plus, it's like the only point in the movie that has the comic to live action shrinking. I loved the after effects of him shrinking. I almost hope Scott fights Spider-Man in the sequel and just goes Giant…
Also, hilarious thing about Ant-Man. It's still making money in theaters. It's been out on home media for a week and it still made $33,000 over the weekend. People still want to see the movie. It's got some fucking legs. That's probably why Marvel announced a sequel so fast. Imagine Ant-Man & The Wasp with the…
There actually was an Avengers run with the idea of Janet still being alive. During Secret Invasion, Janet "died". After the story arc, they found out she was still alive inside the Microverse. Hank, Tony, Steve and Thor find out she pissed off an entire alien race. It was awesome.
Did you use the FORCE code? If so, then you've got a month to enjoy. If not, there's always another free month coming up. There's ALWAYS another month. I've spent exactly $10 on Marvel Unlimited this year. $9.99 for the Secret Wars deal recently and $.01 for the Ant-Man deal.
That bathroom scene was fucked up. I saw the movie in an almost full theater. Some dude in the front row yelled at that one. Darren was crazy, but fuck, guy got killed for nothing.
There's heavy speculation that Ant-Man 2 will be a split story. Reed did an interview recently where he talked about how it would be a story about Ant-Man and Wasp's professional and romantic relationship. Since he's not specifically saying Scott and Hope, everybody's assuming it'll be Janet/Hank in a flashback and…
Scott Lang, comic book or movie, is just a fantastic character. It's nice to have a character who actually likes himself. Tony pushes him around in the comics, but, he just enjoys being able to live his life again. I love the Civil War scene description where he meets Steve Rogers and just wants to touch his pecs,…