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    I am super excited for Ant-Man & The Wasp. I've seen a few interviews with him, mostly when I'm bored, but Peyton Reed is a HUGE Ant-Man fan. He's got a fantastic grasp on the characters. I'm still so thankful somebody at Marvel cut Hank dying from the script. What a massive misfire of an idea.

    We can't run for office, but we have a vast and powerful network of political connections. What do we use them for? Do we bring back Mike and Molly?

    No, I would like to respond to Mr. Trump and Cruz's questions. Look, it's not literally Hitler. It's just a similar name and facial features. Believe me, if it was actually Hitler, I think I'd know. Real Hitler didn't watch movies made in 2015. It's just common sense guys.

    Are we including the Obama account? Because I think that makes us unable to run for president. If we include the Pope, I don't think we can hold office. So we can just control things from behind the scenes. That's where the real power is.

    If they had gotten Secret Wars done faster, I would have nominated Avengers/New Avengers leading up to Secret Wars, just one long story through all of 2015. Everybody loves Secret Wars 8, so that's another one.

    It's been bubbling up since the Southern Strategy. Republicans pulling the South into their arms after the Civil Rights Act was step one. Reagan bringing Christians into the Republican party and making welfare as a boogeyman was step two. Then Karl Rove told Bush to attack John McCain on having a black child. Then

    Am I the only one excited for the hit SNES game of the year, Super Jurassic World?

    That's Donald J. Trumppet to you.

    It would make it the most insane political campaign ever.

    At this point, is that really a suggestion? He's outright said he'd date his daughter. He'd probably have sex with her if it would help him win the election. Then he'd email all the other candidates about what losers they are.

    What's a day in the life for Chevy? I mean, after he talks to Dan Harmon about coming back to Community, what does he do? Does he sit there and think about what he used to be?

    Here's the same set on the SNES and GBA:

    If nothing else, they could just do a Dragon Quest 8 and port Final Fantasy IX to the Vita/3DS/NX handheld.

    I know the art style doesn't age as well, but, I wish they had at least remade this and Final Fantasy V on the 3DS. The NES/SNES era is my favorite era of Final Fantasy and it sucks that IV is the game that gets eight billion ports and remasters and sequels, while the fun V gets nothing. It's like how IX, the best

    It's like Square built the game with the ugly paint brush.

    I still think it's pretty likely Trump is just working with the Clintons. Like, he'll get the nomination and Bill will walk in and go "Thanks guys, you've been had."

    I think the best thing Trump has ever done is shut down Jeb Bush attacking him. Jeb started at him with how he's probably a Hillary plant. Donald Trump just responded "More energy. I like that!" and everybody in the audience laughed.

    Jeb Bush is planning to run a campaign of attacking everybody BUT Trump. He's so scared to attack Donald Trump that he's just going to result in all the Republicans destroying each other. This is how the party is. They're imploding because of him. He's an obnoxious manbaby, but, let him be the catalyst that fixes

    Honestly, I'm glad they cover it. Ted Cruz, Rubio, Jeb Bush, Huckabee, they're all pieces of shit. The best thing to happen was Donald Trump coming in and spewing bigotry on bigotry, tearing down all those dogwhistles. He'll never win, but, I'm glad this is shining a light on how the Republican party actually