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    I like seeing CBS shit on Two Broke Girls while clinging to the failed Odd Couple show.

    He's just there for the free food.

    With his political career finally dead, Mike Huckabee has decided to set up the natural second stage of his life. Farce.

    I still love the moment I found out Robert De Niro was a big Rocky and Bullwinkle fan.

    Maybe one day somebody will make an actually good version of the book. The closest is Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and that still needs improvements.

    That should be their new slogan.

    Five high rated episodes. Superstore will be the new Firefly.

    When you say bad, do you mean NBC trying to copy CBS bad? Because that's a genre all its own of bad.

    DAE think we should petition Obama about this?

    I always knew I'd regret creating the all powerful SJW Council.

    I am the reigning champion at the "roll in the sand and smile at the camera" minigame. You can't defeat me.

    The last game outright bombed. Nobody gives a shit about buying your masturbation game. But, Gamergate is like most old Republicans. They will buy expensive shit if it's going to spite people.

    Most pro Gamergate twitter accounts have anime characters as the profile pictures. They don't like those dumb GTA games. They just want to play games about naked women or raping women and all the Social Justice Warriors can just fuck off.

    You guys ready for some real Gamergate action?

    You picked up the Ben Carson coloring book.


    Magic Hands
    10 Ways To Stab A Child With Magic Hands

    I want the Spider-Man fight to be against Black Panther. Spider-Man trying all these stylish moves and Black Panther just shuts him down with a one hit knock out.