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    That was a fantastic read. I read most of it almost nonstop over a single day. I hope they can just use that as the basis for the series.

    Secret Warriors, Jonathan Hickman's Fantastic Four, anything by Hickman really. I also like Mark Waid's Fantastic Four run. That huge Cosmic Marvel list. This should eat up like at least a month as a starter. There's also Infinity Gauntlet if you want to get a general idea of Infinity War's plot and why people

    I still love that Batman and Superman were forced to flee from Captain America. Batman and Superman got a LOT of hits at Comic Con, so Marvel threw Tony Stark into the movie.

    Spider-Man is probably going to be used as Marvel's trump card against DC's marketing machine for Batman vs Superman. It'll be fun.

    That would be the best way to hook in Doom. He takes over the remains of Sokovia and incorporates it into Latveria as his rise to power.

    Are we still doing Mac vs PC in 2015

    Those episodes are good, but, their entire existence is justified by the greatest Ice King gif ever.

    TV has no nerves in its butt anymore. They have all been dulled and killed from all the ass kicking.

    Let him at least release issue 5 and 6 first. He needs to finish that story so I can read it, before he jumps onto future stories that will take 10 years to finish.

    Just give Hickman script writing duties and adapt Books of Doom as one of the 2020 movies before jumping to Fantastic Four and Future Foundation.

    Scott Lang is enjoying a nice meal at Denny's while the Fantastic Four eat at the Waffle House.

    What time is it? Give me a second to check. Oh, there it is.

    (The comics don't need to constantly reference it, but, I do like how they have a superhero who knows he's not perfect. He's a smart broken man. Still better than Civil War Tony Stark.)

    (Scott Lang is just a great character.)

    On the lighter emotional level, I always loved Thank You.

    Also, the show makes some fantastic surreal Jake transformations as it goes on. My favorite one is still Jake car.

    I'm on a non crystal diet.

    Tree Trunks eating the apple was my first big "??????? what the fuck is this show" reaction.

    To be fair, Dr. Ken is doing better than the NBC comedies airing on Friday too. It says a lot more about how high rated most ABC sitcoms are and how dumpster fire NBC comedy ratings are.