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    Also, that reminded me of this.

    This would just bring up too many tragic memories of a long lost love.

    I love that Jeb! Bush is stealing bits from Spongebob.

    I was wondering where they went. It's been a while since they showed up to do something stupid.

    Make it the 10/90 deal. You get to syndication faster and you can work your staff to death. Win win.

    Thanks to the power of the internet, they can start trouble in all neighborhoods.

    That's a pitch. I need the story. Unless this is a My Dinner With Andre story. If it is, great story. 10/10, would read again.

    Send me an outline and I'll tell you if it's a good one.

    You know what, why don't you just make like a tree and get out of here?

    I have a unique sorting process that I don't have to tell you about.

    There's a Michael Fox movie?

    Old things are always the most read. It's just basic logic.

    It's a good one. They write great jokes.

    Who let this idiot in here? He stole my question.

    You could power New York with those eye rolls.

    That's more than Wicked City got last night.

    It would have been a big hit in this post Grinder world.