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    That's exactly how it looked. The cheapest and greatest dummy ever.

    I actually think Family Matters was funnier the more up its ass it went. I found most of those shows by that production company to be so sugary sweet in the worst way. I'd rather watch a show fly off the rails than be Full House 7.

    I just remembered there's Full House Without Michelle. Does that count?

    You could just edit Top Gun down to like 10 minutes and save yourself the trouble of watching it. You just need Danger Zone, "YOU'RE A MAVERICK" and then the gay volleyball scene.

    That would be a great show too. Carl just sits there on the couch, slowly getting angrier and angrier and just yelling at nothing. The audience becomes scared and flees the studio.

    Those are like the only good movies he did during that period.

    Ha ha, Joey, you're a character.

    I want to see Michael Douglas watch his collection of films and see him slowly driven insane over how bad his late 90s, early 2000s movies were. Then he gets saner as we get closer to the present, where he's picked slightly better material.

    They could just digitally remove him from the episodes. It would make the show weirdly experimental. Lots of gaps in conversations, random plots that just have nothing happening. I already like it.

    Chevy did a lot of movies about dogs.

    One day, we will have a literal sky mall. And it will crash to the ground because the janitor turned off the wrong power button.

    BREAKING NEWS: Ben Carson Claims To Have Stabbed Opponents To Prove They Aren't Lizard People

    Jeb, Ted, same thing. Just a bunch of fake rich guys pretending to be a Real American.

    Ikea would make a lot more money if they had a puppy center.

    Pressure him into endorsing Jeb Bush. Everybody he endorses seems to lose.

    Does he have his golden parachute ready?

    It's probably still better than the book that used ejaculate instead of exclaimed.