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    You didn't like how Christmas only comes once a year?

    Ha ha, my dumb username made it hard to search.

    I like how most people with my last name either live in Florida or South Carolina. My dad's family must really love South Carolina.

    I love Atom's :O face.

    Comic books are still weird. Norman Osborn turns into Tommy Lee Jones for like 90% of Dark Reign

    Comic book people will let anybody draw if you've done one good picture at some point. Here's a great modern example.

    I love the Captain America one, so the "How many abs are on a guy?" is a perfect second place.

    I love how this entire thing has blown up in NBC's face.

    I can just imagine it now. The ghost of Johnny Carson appears on stage during a debate. Ed McMahon shows up next to him as Johnny spends the entire debate as Carnac The Magnificent.. The final answer shows up.

    Isn't this also a good argument that it's not really a real audience? Every episode seems to have that one two punch. Either two guys got paid a good amount of money over nine seasons, or they got paid once.

    You know, it's really too bad the series finale of How I Met Your Mother was so bad. It made us forget the other worse part of the show.

    I love how The Grinder is the Boston Legal to the fictional Grinder's The Practice.

    There was some interview he did within the last few years that talked about it. He talked about how he's from the era where actors would just act. You'd show up for a week in New York, do a few soap opera episodes, then just find another job. It's why How I Met Your Mother got him. He'll do anything.

    Because Sony Pictures is so horribly mismanaged that Men In Black 3 failed to generate a profit.

    They had this huge blow up in the emails about how important franchises are, how the cast wants to do it, how they don't have anything resembling long term franchises. They got THIS close to learning their mistakes.

    Sony Pictures really is the worst movie studio.

    Ray Wise just loves to act. He'd show up in your fan script if you gave him enough money.

    My computer was so old that just using the internet crashed it. And I went to a cheap school, so we didn't even have internet until like 2000. Classic lower middle class.

    Between this, getting coffee and a dozen variations, people really just like being confusing. All this double speak is creating a world of George Costanza.

    I would have loved to see Jar Jar as a Keyser Soze. I don't know if the idea was he keeps the voice or not, but, I picture it being amazing when he just drops the voice and the theater goes insane. It's still the same character, but, now he's standing and talking differently.