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    I think it's more like playing Chrono Trigger and then inventing a time machine that lets you disrupt the very fabric of space and time.

    Got to save something for sweeps.

    They removed the kids and just threw the series as hard as they could into 1980s cop procedural.

    It sounds like the series finale when they retcon the show so much that the series implodes on itself and never existed.

    The Mysteries of Laura isn't that funny anymore, not since they retooled it.

    Undateable is the longest running NBC comedy since Community.

    *audience has no choice but to laugh*

    At my dad's house, two cats just started showing up. He named them Walter and Walter's friend. He told my brother "they're not my cats. I only feed them and they bring me dead things." My brother told him "that means they're your cats." My dad never responded, so, I guess he didn't like that joke.

    It went from a ten season show to lucky if it finishes season 4.

    And revolving chairs.

    It was a pretty quiet weekend for me, pop culture wise. I read a bunch of comics, as usual. The Fantastic Four are great when the right people write them. I watched A Streetcar Named Marge, the soapbox derby episode and Springfield gets a casino. I love classic Simpsons. Friday, I watched The Natural, which made

    Nintendo, Microsoft, Sony, various PC companies have tried to bring in old games, but, it's expensive. It's cool to have Earthbound on a modern console, but, it's like $15. It's preserving it, true, but, it's not exactly a consumer friendly price. Then, you run into the problems of a game being delisted. Nintendo

    I must have worded my comment wrong. The industry is still as lively as it was ten years ago, ignoring certain genres on life support, but what I meant was how Gamergate's obnoxious push to the mainstream has crippled many attempts to secure a longer future for games.

    One of my favorite things about modern comics is the use of technology. I'm reading an issue of the Fantastic Four where Wizard revived Klaw because he torrented a sound file of him.

    The thing I hate so much about the group is all this push back has actually caused video games to regress. As much trouble as movies and TV shows have, video games are a lot worse. They are spread out on so many incompatible devices and formats that there's no way to preserve them easily. People have been trying to

    Gamergate is one of the weirdest points of video game history. Those people spent decades whining about how they were picked on for playing games. They spent YEARS trying to have video games be taken seriously. Then, they get the exact thing they wanted. All those years of being pushed around are over.

    Gamergate people have mastered the art of I DO NOT CARE, LOOK HOW MUCH I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU. I DON'T FUCKING CARE ABOUT YOU. LOOK AT ME.

    I think it would be funny to do some phone reverse magic and have your number be a proxy to his number. So he'd spend the rest of his life waiting to call you with a stupid death threat.

    Phantom Menace was a documentary.