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    But I already wrote the script to Batmanwoman.

    Welcome to Clinton's America.

    Tom Selleck as the baby.

    30 Rock already did a female fight club, so that's off the table.

    It's like in the original Super Mario Brothers. Once you get too many lives, the counter overflows and you have negative lives, thus losing all your lives.

    He's a really busy guy.

    They're probably linking to it right now. God's Not Dead took like ten minutes for all the right wing people to fly in.

    Racists have some of the weirdest obsessions with gay sex, interracial sex or interracial gay sex.

    My robots have moved to all digital. It's 2015, after all.

    That looks like a VCR with eyes.

    You mean the two that will air?

    James Spader would be great in a Most Dangerous Game movie. Just throwing that out there.

    You should prescribe TV shows like Dr. Oz does medicine.

    Based on my current comic book reading, I believe Ben Carson is a Skrull sent to Earth as part of the Skrull invasion. Stage 2 is the Carsons, Trumps and Huckabees undermining our country by showing that we don't need aliens to destroy ourselves.

    If God is everyone and everything, that makes him both the professional and the amateur.

    The sound was turned off, but he got the basic idea.

    I say just wing it. Just get in there and see what happens.

    So I have a better chance at not killing a person in surgery than Ben Carson.

    Good news, Warner Brothers is likely to pick up the rights for future James Bonds, since Sony doesn't give a shit anymore. So no more obnoxious Sony commercials.

    It's the most expensive movie ever made that doesn't feature Johnny Depp as a pirate.