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    The Sony hack from last year was a gold mine for that. It's like the only time in the email hack that EVERYBODY hated the last act.

    I like when they examine who Bond is. Sometimes, the character doesn't make sense. As a few of the older movies have pointed out, he's a Cold War relic. You could update him to today's world and still have Bond. Like you pointed out, Bond is great when he feels something.

    They were flying people in to fix up the script. It's a beautiful story on its own. The budget ballooned up to $300M and it's like nobody had any idea what to do for a while.

    I still find it weird that, in England, they seem to really hate Bond openly crying because his love died. Bond is a lot cooler than male power fantasy, but, that seems to be his existence for some people.

    I'm talking about the original draft of Spectre. The whole IT WAS ME. I, YOUR FOSTER BROTHER, AM THE VILLAIN.

    I've been having a discussion with a friend recently about James Bond. One thing we both find so frustrating is the producers. Casino Royale and Goldeneye are both very strong directions that are ultimately thrown away, because the producers prefer shitty campy James Bond, instead of a more accurate book Bond.


    Mathematical Modeling and Simulation sounds like another Rashomon type episode. At least, that's how I see it.

    I was about to say something similar. In the worst James Bond movies, it's a little of column A, a little of column B.

    That and avoid the invisible car.

    The only love she has is her love of being a dirty cop who doesn't play by the rules.

    Is everybody excited for NBC's latest masterpiece?

    2018 is actually 1997 II. Nobody was supposed to know yet.

    It's funny to view the images side by side. There's James Bond when still influenced by 90s lighting and such, then there's modern James Bond that could have been made at any point in the last ten years.

    Disney really needs to hurry up and put out a Bluray of it. And DuckTales. Just bump The Black Cauldron out of the Disney Canon and put those in.

    I only got the Austin Powers ones right because I remember one was 2002 and the second one had a new lady.

    90/99. I don't think they know which 101 Dalmatians movie came out in the 90s. I still got it right, but that's the wrong one.

    Clearly you don't know about the underground world of watch cheating.

    I still love last season when ABC had Charlie Brown before Scandal. Right after the ending of It's The Great Pumpkin, everybody got to see a nice sex scene on Scandal.

    Losing is the new winning in this TV season.