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    I've been watching the wrong episodes then.

    I still love "Hey, here you go. Nobody's going to downvote a guy on his birthday." It's beautiful logic.

    It's nice to see Muslims finding success in this country.

    I always love to imagine this episode with Duncan or Pierce in it. Hickey got one of my favorite lines of the show, but, imagine Pierce bumbling his way to level 5 and revealing he was pulling the strings the entire time. We'd just find Duncan passed out on the couch, trying to order more beer with the app.

    Ubisoft just walks on stage and goes "Yeah, new Assassin's Creed. Who the fuck cares, you'll buy it."

    How about the Infaune Theorum?

    Mighty No. 9 is the same way. That's like the best example of how to never run a kickstarter.

    This has been a fun pattern for a while.

    Since Nintendo announced a small update for Mario Maker, how long until they announce some big DLC packs?

    There's no time for the Grinder to rest, he has to do a full season.

    The best part about Fox being so low rated is they can't afford to cancel comedies with good reviews.

    Joe Adalian ‏@TVMoJoe
    NBC's #TruthBeTold will make only 10 episodes instead of planned 13. Last one tapes Friday. NBC says it'll remain on Fri., not "canceled"

    I think I might have mentioned this before, but, if you guys need somebody to blame for Donald Trump, you can blame Sam Beckett. It happens when he leaps into a taxi driver. As he's driving around a father and son, he talks all about how much New York will change one day, how important the real estate business will

    I think she's talking about Nicolas Cage's son.

    Donald Trump and Jeb! Bush should have a silver spoon contest.

    I read the original Marvel Secret Wars and the Thing series that builds off of it.

    I am looking forward to Spongebob Meets The Punisher though.

    This sounds like the start to a season long stealth desperate Marvel Universe crossover where we find out they were stealing Pym particles, but the particles escape into the computers and now the computers are 50 feet tall.

    I actually saw this recently. It was at the end of a pirated version of The Glass Key.