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    It's true. I've stopped pirating TV. I've moved on to 3D printing cars and human hopes and dreams.

    Make sure to pirate CSI Cyber to see how to get past geoblock.

    Perfect. He'll be the wacky side character who steals the show for the sequels.

    That just means I have to wait longer for the pun headlines based on the show's name.

    I'll take ten.

    I remember reading Adventure Time reruns were pulled because they were cannibalizing other shows. They pulled the reruns to also give stuff like Steven Universe a bigger push. Seeing what happened when Nick went 50% Spongebob probably spooked a lot of the cartoon networks.

    I really love the premise of a man trying to fight his demons as he attempts to make up for all the pain that alcohol caused his family.

    Alan Sepinwall @sepinwall
    Hearing more tales than usual this development season of a network buying scripts, then asking writers to throw out the whole premise.

    That was a good episode. I look forward to seeing the next one in five years.

    Now you get to run into the same problem I had with Adventure Time after I caught up.

    It took me five minutes to realize I was reading his name right.

    I really don't get the way James Bond people are considered.

    For a show that finished airing, there was very little tweets about it. It was like this one guy actually talking about the content, everybody else was just going "great episode 10/10."

    Honestly, I didn't think the show even had a premise. I thought it was just an hour of James Spader saying stuff and then recut into an episode.

    And the Dean and his weird dalmatian video.

    It must be fun to be on Thursdays. You can do whatever you want, because the censors only watch The Voice.

    I think my dad is pretty conservative and he seems to love it. Maybe NBC found a way to unite people of all political groups. James Spader wearing a hat. What is the premise to this show anyway?

    Daniel Cerone @DanielVCerone
    Muslim girl was a dude, crucified dad on a cross, imagine what we had to go thru to clear this story. Bravo NBC for allowing. #TheBlacklist