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    I love how there's a strong dancing core to the Kanto theme. I think most of the soundtrack was like that. This is a good time to continue playing my file and transfer to Pokemon Y.

    You sound like my dog.

    Let's take a minute before we say things we might regret. The producers of Sharknado have a lot of integrity. You don't just throw trash like Heroes into that family.

    I'm still laughing.

    David Guarascio. Or whatever the list of his names were. Goldberg is a new one.

    Wow, last night's episode of The Goldbergs was written by one of the Community season 4 showrunners. And it's actually a pretty good episode too.

    When I was going through the episodes at first, I did not expect the way the season 2 premiere ended.

    Half the audience will be confused grandparents who thought it was Lego.

    I still need to watch that. I have a long list of TV shows I want to watch, but I got sidetracked by movies and comics.

    Is the show itself worth watching? It's one of those shows people just seem to absolutely hate. Which is why the crossover seems so bizarre.

    Steven Universe feels more in the Adventure Time world. It's like a cousin or a brother or something. It's just such an obvious idea, so I assume Cartoon Network decided obvious sucks.

    Adventure Time should have been the show Steven Universe crossed over with, instead of Uncle Grandpa.

    One of my favorite things about Zelda is how many games have time travel.

    The comic is very good and short. It's only like two issues, if you'd want to read it.

    The basis of Quantum Leap is a great time travel story. However, within the show, my favorite is A Leap For Lisa. A leap gone wrong results in having to send other people back in time to correct a massive time travel fuck up.

    I always feel bad for My Name Is Earl. It's the only NBC comedy since 2001 to last at least four years that never got 100 episodes. The cast got screwed over on that one. I know the ratings were down, but, it wasn't so bad as to not warrant another season.

    30 Rock manages to gain some ground by the end of the season, but, season 4 does feel bizarrely cynical. Like when Lonnie comes back and his life is a mess or the Liz romance plot that's just "Your life won't get any better than this, so just settle."

    Brooklyn Nine-Nine/Enlisted/New Girl/The Mindy Project would have been a great season for comedy. Enlisted deserved so much better.

    And that's the disappointing part of TV. Cable and streaming sucked so much air out of the room that everybody is afraid to even try with comedy at this point. It has to be inoffensive so they can sell it overseas, but, nobody wants inoffensive comedy in 2015.

    I think that's also the last time NBC gave a shit about marketing their shows like that.