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    My favorite part of Futurama was how they could just create a one off joke character and it was still fantastic. Pimparoo is one of my favorite in that category.

    The town hall meetings where everybody would just shout at each other and try to start a riot was always the best parts of the show. Especially the guy who was ALWAYS angry at something. I love the episode when he starts a riot in the bookstore after finding out Leslie isn't from Pawnee.

    It could be any show. If you want to talk about just NBC shows, go ahead. If you want to include any show since 1989, go ahead. There's a lot of good discussion in either.

    Oh, here's another question I thought of. Of the big post Simpsons comedies, let's include Scrubs here too, which show had your favorite world? I feel like all the 2000s NBC comedies had a legitimate claim to be the successor of The Simpsons.

    That would be a great comedy line up. It's like all the shows that existed so Dan Harmon would pull them into Community.

    I really do need to watch The Office one day. I keep putting it off because the episode count seems like a lot.

    Since Community is officially over, until the critically acclaimed movie trilogy, I think now is a good time to have a look back at the last great comedy line up on NBC.

    What about Ancient Alien Mythbusters? Do they share the profits with History channel?

    Oh, I get it now. You're like The Onion.

    Why would an alpha male pick a sidekick as his avatar?

    Sounds like viral marketing for the Community movie.

    Shoot To Kill is a lot more enjoyable if you pretend like it's the only sequel to In The Heat of the Night, instead of the terrible sequels it did get. That's not to say that it's a bad movie, but Sidney Poitier feels like he's just playing the same character.

    Wow, they can't even get a show to season 3 without cancelling or rebranding it.

    Why would they care? They have other comedies. Who needs Community when you have, uh, Undateable?

    Let's create three shows then not follow up on them for six months.

    Ah yes, the collector's edition.

    If we could find a way to harness the power of that, we could stop global warming.

    Somebody should use CSI magic and push Empire to 8 PM and put The Grinder behind it.

    If only the show could be like critically acclaimed hit, Life In Pieces.